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Literary agents for speculative writers

It takes a lot of time to trawl literary agencies to find agents who are willing to represent speculative fiction writers, we've done some of the work for you by compiling a list of those agents who have an interest in speculative fiction specifically. Plus, where possible, we've included any relevant authors they represent.

Remember when contacting them to adhere to their submission policies rigorously. If you receive a rejection, don't forget it may not be because your work isn't good enough, it may be decided by their List. Agents handle a combination of authors, people with commercial potential combined with commercial income. Agents make their salaries from what their authors earn. Therefore, they take on only a handful of debut writers because the income they generate is not guaranteed, they are a risk. Your work might be brilliant but if their list has a lot of debut writers, they won't want to take on any more because it would affect what they earn. They are entrepreneurs!

With that in mind, the link takes you to Phil's site where he's compiled that list.

If you know of other literary agents who are open to speculative fiction or have constructive experiences you'd like to share, please get in touch and we can add them to this post.

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